Picasao is 5 years old and It is a Bernese mountain dog, for 70kg.
He is very sweet and want to have hug all the time. He does not like to be alone and need a presence of human.
Ok with children and other dog or cat.
He needs to go out minimum 3 times per day , but does not like to walk to much ( 40 min max).
He is ver good dog for a walk in the street or park... however he can try to hide himself behind you if a small dog are screaming against him. He will not try to fight or to jump to other dog. If he noticed that the dog is friendly he will be happy to play with him.
Picasso does not jump on people. Most of the time he is coming with his face to your head for being pet. He loves to pass between your lega when he is happy. And if you are sit he will try to pass his head under your arm .
He is afraid with the water and I am trying to improve this scare.
In few worlds : it is a very sweet dog, who needs friends, and love to be pet.